
Finkenfangstrasse was renamed to Wilhelm-Franke-Straße in 1946 (Source: Stadtwiki Dresden)

  • 1942, October 24, Saturday morninng – Today Eva will get a connection to Finkenfangstrasse and only there get on the bus to Pima. The departure point at the station is too close to the Gestapo building. I continue to have the most serious doubts about endangering her like this, and do it nevertheless. I place the diary pages between the pages of notes. Should Eva be detained, then she knows nothing of the diary, this passage attests to that. She believes she is taking away only notes… **p15
  • 1942, October 24, Saturday morninng  – Eva came back safely on Saturday—I had begun to feel very uneasy in the last quarter of an hour before half past seven. She had wanted to get off at the station. The conductor had said to her: “Finkenfangstrasse again, as on the journey out?” Since he recognized her, she thought it best to get out and change there after all. — [. . . ] And everyone is getting more fearful in every respect. **p157
Spitzwegstraße 67 / Wilhelm- Franke- Straße 38 (Dresdner Straße 38, Finkenfangstraße 38) ca 1900


  • ** I Will Bear Witness, Volume 2: A Diary of the Nazi Years: 1942-1945, Victor Klemperer, Publisher ‏: ‎ Modern Library; Illustrated edition

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