Pirnaischer Platz, towards Wilsdruffer Strasse, Gruaner Strasse to the back
- 1944, August 9, Wednesday morning – The military bulletin continues to obscure, to conceal, to pass over in silence. But the newspaper reports and articles, etc., are now becoming more plainspoken. (I get to see newspapers only late and irregularly — now from the Cohns, now from the Stiihlers, although each is afraid of the other; and the radio broadcast on Pirnaischer Platz, which Eva listens to at five o’clock, is often unclear and affected by interference; if she tries to buy a newspaper, it is mostly sold out; occasionally Frau Winde gives her a copy . . .) **p343
- 1945, The Destruction of Dresden on February 13 and 14 (Tuesday, Wednesday), 1945Piskowitz, February 22-24 – To right and left buildings were ablaze, the Belvedere and — probably — the Art Academy. Whenever the showers of sparks became too much for me on one side, I dodged to the other. Within a wider radius nothing but fires. Standing out like a torch on this side of the Elbe, the tall building at Pirnaischer Platz, glowing white; as bright as day on the other side, the roof of the Finance Ministry. Slowly thoughts came to me. Was Eva lost, had she been able to save herself, had I thought too little about her? I had wrapped the woolen blanket — one , I had probably lost the other with my hat — around head and shoulders, it also covered the star. In my hands I held the precious bag and — yes — also the small leather case with Eva’s woolen things, how I managed to hold on to it during all the clambering about is a mystery to me. **p408
- ** I Will Bear Witness, Volume 2: A Diary of the Nazi Years: 1942-1945, Victor Klemperer, Publisher : Modern Library; Illustrated edition
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