Rampische Strasse

Rampische Strasse, Fraukirche church in the background

  • 1942, September 21, Thursday late afternoon – On the LTI. [… ] In Rampische Strasse I saw new banners (big, printed strips of paper) on shop windows and doors: “Our will to live is stronger than our enemies’ will to destroy.” And (roughly): “Only a strong heart withstands the harshest test.” Posted in a watchmaker’s: “When there’s an alarm/Put a watch on your arm!” It must be very old, because it is a long time since there were any watches to be bought, and even repairs are no longer carried out. **p360
Rampische Straße 25,27, Fraukirche church in the background, 1929
Credit AltesDresden.de


  • ** I Will Bear Witness, Volume 2: A Diary of the Nazi Years: 1942-1945, Victor Klemperer, Publisher ‏: ‎ Modern Library; Illustrated edition

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