- 1942 March 6, Friday – yesterday morning, snow fell again; very pretty in the gray of dawn was the way the snow stuck to all the trees in the Great Garden, marking every contour. Increasingly cold as we worked, and a strong icy wind blew without letup **p23
- 1942 March 16, Monday – Threat of prison, which is sometimes made good after eight or ten days. “Reason”: with Perl it was a little pack of tobacco found during a house search; with a Frau Neumann, the mendacious assertion that she had walked through the Great Garden, whereas in truth she used the permitted road bordering it. **p27
- 1942 March 17, Tuesday – … completely tied and am afraid of the street. One of the two women, who for days have been tormented with summons to the Gestapo, falsely accused of having been in the Great Garden, has now, as the ubiquitous expression puts it—”been kept there,” i.e., is in prison **p29
- May 18, Monday afternoon – An eighty-five-year-old man had been walking along outside the Great Garden. The general perimeter road, but on the park side — I learned yesterday that the park side of the road is part of the area of the park from which Jews are banned. Summoned to the Gestapo and so badly beaten that he had to be brought home and put to bed **p53
- June 2, Tuesday toward evening – … 15) of bicycles — it is permissible to cycle to work (Sun- day outings and visits by bicycle are forbidden), 16) of deck chairs, 17) of dogs, cats, birds. 18) Ban on leaving the city of Dresden, 19) on entering the railway station, 20) on setting foot on the Ministry embankment, in parks, 21) on using Bürgerwiese [street] and the roads bordering the Great Garden (Parkstrasse, Lennestrasse, and Karcherallee)…. p65
- 1942 June 19, Friday morning – The question arose of who would go to Friedheim’s funeral service—a long walk, since we are banned from tram and Great Garden and the cemetery is at the end of Fürstenstrasse. Frau Pick is afraid of being alone. (“If they come …”). **p81
- 1942 August 10, Monday morning – The long detour around the forbidden Great Garden. I walked for almost three hours, found myself in midday sultriness on the way back, came home completely washed out, could not rouse myself to read Sombart until the late afternoon **p119
Image credit and more AltesDresden.de
- ** I Will Bear Witness, Volume 2: A Diary of the Nazi Years: 1942-1945, Victor Klemperer, Publisher : Modern Library; Illustrated edition
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